Monday, April 27, 2009

Underage Drinking Poses Threat To Teens

According to stats by the government, the law, which set the minimum legal age for drinking to 21 years, has reduced the number of fatalities, which included 15- to 20-year-old driver, by more than half. However, the harm caused by the underage drinking is more than the high way fatalities, road crashes, and 1900 deaths. Because this the country which has states like Virginia, where 15 percent of the alcohol purchased ends up in the hands of teenagers. In some states, it can be more.

According to another survey by the scientists of University of California, teenage binge drinkers who drink rarely but in large quantities have same affects as that of a teenager who drinks regularly. In both the cases, adolescents end up in incoherence of the brain’s white matter. White matter in the brain plays an important role in performance of a person in activities like reading, copying complex figures, and speeded coding of information.

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