Friday, June 24, 2011

Nano Technology and Its Applications in Medicine

Nanotechnology is a new field of science which manipulates atoms and molecules to form new materials. Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. The signs of disease and sickness first appear at the cellular level in the body and the instruments currently used within medicine can only detect abnormalities on a macro scale. Nanotechnology being able to diagnose and cure at the molecular level will enable physicians to treat the root origins of sickness and disease, and assist, or even replace, this regenerative process.

Applications of Nanotechnology in Medicine:
  • One of the major application of the nanotechnology technology in the medicine is employing nano particles to deliver drugs, heat, light or other substances to specific types of cells. These nano particles are engineered so that they attracted to diseased cells, which allows direct treatment of those cells and this also protects the healthy cells and allows for earlier detection of disease.
  • Buckyballs a type of nano particles are used to trap the free radicals and block the inflammation that results during allergic reactions.
  • Nanoshells may be used to concentrate the heat from infrared light to destroy cancer cells with minimal damage to surrounding healthy cells.
  • Alumino silicate nanoparticles can more quickly reduce bleeding in trauma patients by absorbing water, causing blood in a wound to clot quickly.
  • Nano fibers can stimulate the production of cartilage in damaged joints.
  • Nano particles are also stimulate an immune response to fight respiratory viruses when inhaled.
  • Nano crystalline silver is used as an antimicrobial agent for the treatment of wounds.
  • Iron oxide nanoparticles can be used to improve MRI images of cancer tumors.
  • Nanoparticles can attach to proteins or other molecules, allowing detection of disease indicators in a lab sample at a very early stage.
  • Magnetic nanoparticles are used to identify specimens, including proteins, nucleic acids, and other materials.

Nano technology is becoming very much popular these days due to its enormous benefits.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Learn about Wireless Technology and Its Applications

A wireless technology is a technology in which cables or wires are not used for communication. Radio and TV broadcasting to Mobile phone and Blue tooth are examples of wireless technologies. Electromagnetic waves have been used in many of these technologies.

Following are the different wireless communication technologies available in the current scenario:

Wi-Fi technology:
This technology only works on high frequency radio signals. WiFi operates on several hundreds feet between two places of data transmission. WiFi is divided in to three parts viz., infrastructure mode, ad hoc network and mixed network.

FM and AM Radio is the first to use wireless technology commercially. This brings wireless technology to the common man.

Zigbee technology:
It is a type of low cost, low power and wireless technology which is used for the different purposes at ultra low power.

Another step ahead with wireless technology is Television broadcast. This brings wireless technology even closer.


Mobile technology such as GSM and CDMA made a revolution in communication. It uses time division, frequency division and code division multiplexing. These are the latest examples of wireless technologies.

Wimax technology:

It is the type of the wireless networking technology that transmits the information in the form of microwaves.


Latest and greatest technology which uses wireless is Global positioning system. Radio waves are used for this. By this technology one can know the location of any moving object.

Blue tooth technology:

Other important type of wireless technology is the Blue tooth technology that is used to transmit the data from one device to another device with the help of mobile phone technology.

Infrared technology:

Infrared rays are used to treat cancer in the medical field by transmitting them in to the body of the patient.

The above mentioned technologies are the various types of wireless technologies.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Know the Various Categories of Programming Tools

There are many tools used in the process of development of a new software program. These software development tools can be divided in to many types which are here under:

Performance Analysis Tools:
Profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis and it is the process of investigation of a program's behavior using information gathered, as the program executes. This analysis is performed to determine which sections of a program to optimize, that is to increase its overall speed, decrease its memory requirement or sometimes both the sections. A profiler is a performance analysis tool that measures only the frequency and duration of function calls. But there are also other specific types of profilers in addition to more comprehensive profilers.

Memory Usage Tools:
Memory is the important part of any system. Most of the applications these days use lot of memory. Checking memory usage is important and is good for your system. This memory checking can be done with the help of many memory usage tools.

Debugging Tools:
Debugging is a process of finding and reducing the number of bugs or defects in a computer program. A debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and reduce the bugs in other programs.

Application Build Tool:
An application build tool is a programming utility that is used in the process of building a new version of the program.

Static Analysis Tools:
These tools are used to read the source code and check for errors without executing the code. Some statically check the code itself and others check the running code, by instrumenting it and analyzing the run trace.

Integrated Development Environment:
It is also known as integrated design environment and it is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to the computer programmers to develop a software program.

The above are the various categories of programming tools.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Design and Implementation of Programming Languages

A programming language is an artificial language designed to express computations that can be performed by a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a computer. A programming language is generally split in to two components of syntax and semantics. Many other programming languages have some kind of written specification of their syntax and/or semantics.

Programming languages share properties with natural languages related to their purpose as vehicles for communication. The main difference between programming languages and natural languages is that, programming language can be fully described and studied as it has a precise and finite definition. But the natural languages have changing meanings given by their users in different communities and they also lack the precise and complete semantic definition that a programming language has.

Although there have been attempts to create an universally accepted programming language, all these attempts failed. Development of a programming language depends on the diversity of the contexts in which languages are used.

One of the most common trend in the development of the programming languages has been to add more ability to solve problems by using higher level abstraction. Programming languages which were developed earlier were tied very closely to the underlying hardware of the computer. As the new programming languages have developed, more features are added to them and they are less tied to the hardware of the computer. Because programmers are less tied to the complexity of the computer, their programs can do more computing with less effort from the programmer.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Comparison of Interpreted and Compiled Languages

In order to communicate with the computer, user needs a language that should be understood by the computer. To achieve this and to perform different types of works on the computer different languages were developed. Programming languages are instructions and logic and they are used to develop the software. Programming languages can be divided in to two types - one is interpreted languages and the other is compiled languages. These languages are immediately converted in to machine code, which is the basic instruction set used by a device's hardware.

Programming code is written using certain programming language, and it is termed as source code and this source code has to be converted into a format appropriate for the hardware or software environment in which it will be run. When a language is compiled, its source code is converted into machine code and this code will run only on the hardware type for which it is compiled.

Primary advantage of the interpreted language is its ability to execute regardless of the architecture they're running on. JavaScript, which is a language commonly used to build Internet sites regardless of operating system or Internet browser can run the same. On the other hand, compiled languages have speed, because the computer code is converted into a format suitable for the specific hardware/software environment, less work is required to execute the application and the code can run with more efficiency.

Each of the two types of the languages have their own advantages and disadvantages. The exact distinction between compiled and interpreted is often ill defined and unclear. Some programming languages can be compiled and interpreted and the purpose for which the language going to be used determines which is the best approach.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Conquer Your Anger with Yoga

Anger is the strongest and most powerful of all the emotions. It is the root cause for many problems. There is an old saying which tells, “Never Promise while you are happy, and never decide while your are angry”. Because decisions made while we are angry are not always correct. It is just an outcome of our bad emotions. Anger drives us in a wrong way. If we are not able to control it we will loose every thing. No medicine is not yet invented to reduce our anger since anger is related to our mind and to our body.

Yoga which proved effective both for physical and mental problems is a best solution to conquer our anger. Through yoga we can make our mind calm and quiet so that it can be relaxed well. There are poses which are meant particularly for the people who cannot control their anger. It is popularly called as Urdhva Padmasana.

Urdhva Padmasana: Urdhva Padmasana in Sirshasana is an effective pose for anger management. Urdhava in Sanskrit means high above and padmasana is nothing but lotus pose. It is little bit tough to do. So never try it with out an experts supervision.

This pose gives an extra pull to your dorsal region, ribs and pelvic region. The result of this asana is it helps in the chest expansion and thus allows the blood circulate well in the pelvic region. Regular practice of this pose helps to conquer the anger in a more effective way.
Meditation is another effective way of treating anger. Some meditation techniques acts as powerful tools to change our attitude. These techniques helps to practice inner silence and which is also known as witnessing. Once we completely know about ourselves we will definitely know how we are reacting to different situations, and slowly we will come to know how to react also which results in decreasing the anger levels and increasing the maturity levels.

By practicing the techniques meant to conquer yoga we can be able to hold the positive as well as the negative experiences effectively.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What are the Benefits Students can get From Yoga

Student life is the base for prospective successful career and overall growth of every student. The physical and mental factors can greatly influence the studies and career of the student. Yoga provides many benefits to the student such as stress reduction, increase in flexibility, emotional wellness, and improves the strength and immune system.

Here are few benefits listed that a student can get from the practice of yoga.

Enhances mood: Yoga practice includes working on many postures and exercises. While doing yoga one can get engaged in a peaceful environment. A peaceful environment always improves mind and mood and always directs the mind towards positive ideas.

Improves concentration levels: Many a times, students face the problem of concentrating on one thing. Due to this problem, they get distracted easily, which makes them unable to study for long time continuously with concentration. Yoga enhances the concentration, the practice of meditation, postures, and breathing regulation, work positively on physical and mental levels. It also helps in supplying enough percentage of oxygen to brain, which will make brain more active and fresh, which will enable them to study for long hours with maximum concentration..

Strengthens body: Yoga can also strengthen the physical body. Yoga postures give sufficient exercise to over all body parts and strengthen the muscles.

Relieves from stress: Students face high amount of stress during examinations. In such situations a sense of fear develops inside the body and that can generate huge pressure on the brain. The pressure may develop due to tough competition from studies, higher expectations from parents and teachers. Yoga helps students to get relief from all these mental tensions. Yoga makes one physically and mentally more strong to face and act in situations without getting stressed.

Hence by practicing yoga, students will improve their mind set, enhance their mood, strengthen their body, relieve from stress, and concentrate better. This will certainly help students to reach their goals and success in their careers.