Banner advertising involves displaying images in a rectangular form and is one of the popular form of website advertising. Banner advertising aims at making online visitors to the advertiser's website. It is an effective way of announcing new products and creating brand awareness, which ultimately help promote sales. We will discuss briefly in this article the various types of banner advertising.
Types Of Banner Advertising
Following are the types of banner adds :
1) Flash Banners: It is one of the methods of advertising online that includes multiple messages and functionality that is very interactive. It easily captures one's attention. Moreover, banner adds that are displayed on Yahoo and MSN are flash banner adds.
Benefits :
Types Of Banner Advertising
Following are the types of banner adds :
1) Flash Banners: It is one of the methods of advertising online that includes multiple messages and functionality that is very interactive. It easily captures one's attention. Moreover, banner adds that are displayed on Yahoo and MSN are flash banner adds.
Benefits :
- These adds receive high click through ratio or rates (CTR) when compared with other types of banner adds.
- Flash banner adds builds a stronger campaign as compared to other types of adds.
- This technology is at present
2) Animated GIF Banners: These banners are created in graphic interchange format where a series of images are played in order. GIF banners support 256 web colors. Design the GIF banners within these colors in order to make it effective. It thus ensures to look its best on all the screens.
Benefits :
Benefits :
- GIF banners can be designed with more special effects as it uses the smallest web color palette.
- Web publishers supports these type of banner adds and are widely used.
- Animated GIF frames can be controlled.
3) Static Banners: Static banners are designed in a single frame with an image and are usually to the point when describing. While creating these banners, a single line of text or copy is used with the aim to remain in the minds of the audience targeted. Most of the business websites uses static banner advertising as they compliment instead of clashing with color scheme and the page layout they are being displayed on.
Benefits :
Benefits :
- These banner adds are cost effective when comparing with other types of banner advertising.
- These banners add is mostly preferred when there is uncertainty of expectations from the target audience.
- Static banners only deliver the information that is relevant.
4) Types of banner adds campaign :
- Click through banner campaigns: These advertising campaigns offer opportunities in making valuable connection with the audience targeted. A useful tool in these banner campaigns is call for action messages in order to direct the audience you target to your website.
- Branding banner campaigns: These campaigns aim at familiarizing company's name and services to the public, thus making the company's name stick to the mind of the audience targeted.