Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Importance of Washing Bed Sheets Regularly

You spend one third of your life in your bed sheets. It is necessary that it should be clean and hygienic otherwise, it might harm your health. Even if your bed sheets look clean, you are aware of certain things which are lurking in your bed sheets and they could pose a threat to your health if cleanliness is not maintained.

You can see these with the help of a microscope. Things can be a little freaked out. Every bed has dust mites, which are microscopic bugs that feed on dead skin cells. These little things live, die and reproduce in the same bed sheets that you sleep in. In order to get rid of these bed bugs, the only way is to wash your bed sheets on a regular basis otherwise you may have situations like an allergy, or even a lowered immune system.

Not only your bed contains dust mites but also some others also that are hiding in your bed sheets. The following are some of the freaked out things on which you are sleeping.

There are million skin cells present on the body. Some of these skin cells are shed daily from the body whenever you sleep. The surprise thing here is, these cells are the tasty snack for dust mites.

Oils also present on the bedsheets because the body daily secretes natural oils whenever you sleep.

Sweat is also absorbed by the bedsheets whenever your body sweats in hot conditions.
Some fluids such as saliva, blood, urine, fecal matter and other fluids are released by the body are present on the bed sheets.

Even if you eat snacks on the bed, there's probably crumbs and other food particles that lie on the bed to be eaten by bugs.

So, therefore it is necessary that you wash the bedsheets regularly to help yourself get rid of the pests.

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