Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Facts And Myths About Network Marketing

Here is a small note on facts and myths of network marketing which I’ve read in some article and likes to share it with you. Here it goes.

  • Network Marketing is a method of distribution and compensation that has been utilized in the United States for over 50 years and which is now spreading across the world. The Direct Selling Association (DSA), based in Washington, DC, represents the Network Marketing industry. The DSA has existed for more than 100 years.
  • There are in excess of 1,000 Network Marketing firms that distribute over $100 billion a year in goods and services. It is estimated that eight to ten million Americans are either part-time or full-time distributors. Tens of millions more are customers.


  • Network Marketing does not work. The big guys make all the money off the little guys.
  • Well, Network Marketing does work. What usually does not work is a particular company, product or distributor. You must decide for yourself whether you work or your chosen company works or the product works.
  • Let’s consider the concept of big guys versus little guys. Usually the people who perpetuate this myth are those who define fairness in terms of everyone receiving the same benefits regardless of their contribution or effort.
  • In Network Marketing, the people who attract, train and motivate the most people earn the most money. If you sell/consume $100 worth of product yourself each month, plus you build an organization of 100 people who do the same, you will earn a great deal more-100 times more, to be exact-than the person who only sells/consumes $100 per month. Now, that’s fairness! Why should someone earn as much as you if they’re not making the same effort that you are?

Related Links:
Professional seo services
Network cabling

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