Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Crow, a Comic and a Super-Hero

Did you ever notice that many of those super heroes used some creepy, crawly animals as their power?

As you can recall, Spider man is after spiders. I really hate spiders and haven’t seen any people who don’t hate spiders or are afraid of them. Then let’s take the Batman, who named himself those rats like birds flying. There are many others, but I never knew that even crows can make super heroes.

Recently, I came to see a superhero movie named The Crow. I never expected that there could be a person who wants to be called as a crow. I would rather appreciate it if he is named a scare crow.

But it really exists, but I could see it only after 14 years of its release. It has to be emphasized because I never miss any super hero movies, at least the ones which were released after 1990s.

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