Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Prevalence of Disability: Stats and Figures

How many disabled people do you know in your world? (Your world represents the number of people you interact almost daily or have been some part of you life sometime).

The number is not big unless you are a part of some charitable trust or similar to that.

The number is big when you compare it with the national wise statistics of the disabled.

According to American Community Survey, around 41.3 million people reported a disability, in 2006.

The disabled population is divided into four categories according to their disability type.

One of them is sensory disability, which accounts for 4.3 percent of the total disabled population.

Another category is the physical disability, which accounts for 9.4 percent of the total disabled population.

Other types are mental disability and self-care disability, which account for 5.8 and 3.0 percents respectively.

Disability is more prevalent among the old aged people (above 65 years) with 41 percent compared to the rates of disability among the disabled aged from 16-64 years (12.3 percent).

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