Monday, February 1, 2010

Pros And Cons Of Sweat Drug Test

Sweat drug tests are generally used by law enforcement agencies to detect drug abuse.

Pros: Spray or Sweat drug test kits are generally non-invasive and donor friendly. The specimen can be collected easily without any requirement of bathroom for collecting. The drug detection period is also long and can detect drug up to two weeks. These drug tests are usually tamper proof (cannot be changed) compared to other tests. The sweat drug test kits are accurate and can be easily handled. The results are obtained in minutes without the requirement of lab.

Cons: The main drawback of sweat based drug testing kits is that the specimen is more susceptible to environmental contamination. The large differences in sweat production rate of viable donors make some results uncertain. These drug tests are not as famous as urine or saliva drug testing kits, so there are not many varieties. These tests are expensive and kinds of drug that can be detected are very limited.

These test are very much suitable to detect particular drug abuse.

Related Links:
Drug testing

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