Saturday, October 29, 2011

Air Purifier Controls the Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea, which causes restless, unsatisfying sleep followed by less productive waking hours is increasing dramatically. Obesity, smoking, and reactive airways in the body (airways that are already irritated by asthma, allergies, and environmental factors) are found to be few reasons for this sleep disorder. It can be so hard to breath at night that they wake up continuously.

A normal respiratory pattern is interrupted as the soft tissue in the airway is irritated by the pollutants in the air. This leads to more strenuous chest movement trying to suck in air but none will come until a buildup of carbon dioxide occurs, or a fall in the blood oxygen level occurs. Either way, the person wakes up, which is disconcerting for them and for those sleeping nearby.

Many doctors recommend the use of CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) devices to help with sleep apnea. The CPAP devices have very small filters in them which will eliminate irritants from the air. If the air is filled with these tiny particulates, then the tiny filters in the CPAP cause resistance which makes breathing difficult. But if an air purifier is used, the air going through is already clean, so the CPAP user is greatly benefited.

Sleep apnea can greatly effect one's lifestyle. So, it is important for you to provide air that has been cleaned of irritants.

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