Monday, October 24, 2011

Interesting Halloween Games with Glow Sticks

When arranging a Halloween party for kids, never forget to organize games to keep them entertained. Interesting Halloween games can be conducted for kids. Special games including pumpkin bowling, monster freeze dance and relay races are some of the popular ones organized during Halloween celebrations. However, innovative and creative games can be arranged by the use of glow sticks.

Certain games such as dead man's treasure and scavenger hunt are made more interesting by using special lighting products like glow sticks. In general, special Halloween themed objects such as mini plastic pumpkins are used as the treasure chests. However, you can also use glow sticks to make the game more exciting. You can even prepare the natural carved pumpkins and insert glow sticks into them to lighten them. Kids get excited to play with those lighted pumpkins. Even items like skeletons are used for hunting in scavenger hunt and you can also use glow sticks or glow stick inserted skeleton pieces to enhance the entertainment.

Glow sticks not only bring fun but also ensure safety when playing in dark. Any likely accidents or falls that may happen in dark can be avoided by the use of these elegant lighting novelties. The cost of glow sticks is very much less and they are even available at much cheaper rates when purchased in bulk. Therefore, consider to purchase glow sticks in bulk to use them as décor aids, props, party favors and also for arranging games for kids. However, any remaining pieces can be stored at home for future use.

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