Monday, December 22, 2008

Five Must Avoid Things for Desert Tourists

There is a certain community of people in the world called the adventurous travelers. They are known for their traveling among all bad situations and adventurous places. It is good to have such heroes around you.

But they have a bad habit with them. They always try to make people around them interesting to travel along them (believe me; I came across many such people). They have very fascinating stories through which they will easily force people to travel along them. If you are one of them and are going to travel in a desert, be aware of these things.
  • Heat and Cold: We know that days are very hot in deserts. But the nights in deserts are equally chilling. You have to be prepared for those conditions.
  • Quicksand: These are much exaggerated in movies. Though not as worst as shown in movies, it is better to be aware of such places.
  • Lack of Water: Sand is quite common view in deserts as water in oceans. Water sources in deserts (called Oasis) can be compared to shores for oceans.
  • Dust Storms: Not all deserts are prone to dust storms. But it is better to be prepared for such conditions.
  • Animals and Insects: Snakes are very poisonous in deserts. Equally harmful are the scorpions. There are certain insects like spiders and animals like Wolves and Coyotes which are very ferocious in deserts.

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